Below you will find digitized versions of several selected images from within Catherine’s scrapbook. These pages were selected to create a sense of what Catherine includes overall throughout her scrapbook. We selected these out of the roughly 200 total pages due to personal interest or the reflection of Fredericksburg State Teachers College to this day. Each member chose five pages for this, much like our system for Mary’s scrapbook, not including front and back cover.

Front cover of Catherine Ficklin Stephens’ scrapbook, reads “The Girl Graduate, Her Own Book, Designed and illustrated by Louse Perrett and Sarah K. Smith, The Reilly and Lee Co., Chicago”
Attached here is the colors of the schools that Catherine attended – Brown and Gold for F.S.T.C and Old Rose and Silver for her original high school.

Attached here are photos of the May Day Celebration, the Daisy Chain procession, and the Academic procession.
Attached here are photos of campus, namely the Club Room, A Student’s Bedroom and A Section of the Library. You can actually see Monroe Hall’s similar door structure in the background of this image.

This page is a signed note, reading “When the name that I write here is dim on the page, And the leaves of your album are yellow with age, still think of me kindly, and do not forget, that wherever I am, ‘I remember you yet.'”
It is signed by Jeanette Lewis of Millenbeck, Virginia.
Attached here is another written note from a few fellow students, according to the class autographs heading. One of them states “Katherine, I don’t know what to say and I am not thinking very hard, but any way here’s is my best wish for you, always and ever, Love, Thelma.”
Scrawled in the margin is another inscription that reads “don’t forget our days at F.S.T.C”
Another note reads “I love you more from ‘A’ and, with all my heart, save and gizzard” which is signed Majorie Rosson from Ellerson, VA.
Under that to the left is a note that states “211, F.W. F.S.T.C”

Attached here is a note that states “Keep things moving – have library nice and clean when Rachael gets in – Duval – get someone to stay in the library, the second period Monday. I over looked it until too late, Adele says she will stay. Here’s worlds of success to all of you – hope you get everything you want. Have enjoyed working with all of you – Love Bernice.
Attached here is an advertisement for the Capitol Theater in Richmond, as demonstrated by the owned, operated and patronized part. It advertises itself as the best, specifically by stating that it got movies first and had specific technologies that enhanced the films.

Attached here is a slip about the Young Woman’s Christian Association, of which Catherine was president, and its cabinet members, and specifically a branch at the State Teachers College.
Attached here is a papercraft doll for the celebration of Devil Goat Day which has text printed on it, reading from right to left “Gym, Friday Oct 14th, 8 o’clock. Come and have a good time with the Red Devils. Come as a little girl. Escort will come for you. Bring your doll.” Underneath the left arm reads “Molly Vaughan” and under the feet reads “Swell Time!!!”.
Finally, under those is a note that reads “Oct 29, 1927, given by one of the boys at Mission School.”

This page covers a Cross Country Race, which is titled as such. Underneath reads “WiLL I EVER FORGET to REMEMBER THAT DAY? NO! MY FIRST APPEARANCE IN THE MoviES! WHAT A TIME WE HAD RiDing AROUND! NO CLasses! BiLL WiLKiNS, wiNNER. OCT 29, 1927.”
Attached here is a play for Little Women performed by the Y.W.C.A at the State Teachers College. This play is interesting due to being a play and book that is still performed and discussed today.

Attached here is the May Day program for the State Teachers College in Fredericksburg, Virginia (which is now University of Mary Washington.) It is dated Saturday Afternoon, The Fifth Day of May, Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-Eight at four o’clock. This program was not scanned for this project in its entirety due to time constraints. Further groups will elaborate on this project and be able to review the inside.
This page includes a few small pieces of art, titled “Things I like” such as three pieces of various breeds of dog, a photo of birds in a nest, a picture of flowers growing, and a picture of trees.

Attached is a note that says “Miss K. Ficklin, Seat 2. Table 1.” Underneath is a small list of items, titled “For Miss Ficklin” and then lists “1. Read Notice about – Daves, 2. Put Up Books. 3. Write over dues. 4. Mead books head I place give you. 5. Love Me.”
Attached here is a list, likely taken from the student newspaper titled What Would Happen If:
Mary Bernice should put her hair up?
Miss Karr should do the Highland Fling (Oh! My!)
Helen Jacobs walked to town?
Blance Russell got excited? (Impossible.)
Mr. Hamlet smoked a cigarette? (!!)
Ruth Brown should say something foolish?
Jack and Lillian should fall for the same boy?
Miss Daniel got tired of “fishing”?
Gladys Staples should get a beau?
Miss Enders should find an expert diver in one of her swimming classes? (!!)
Anyone read the Bulletin Boards? (Especially Dramatic Club Notices)
Dr. Kramer should have no admirers?
Atwood Graves forgot to grin?
There should be no noise in Town Girls Room?
Duval had no tuna fish?
Molly Coates should accept a late schedule calmly? (Yes, I’ve just paid 45 cents for one!!)
Julia Rolland should laugh a little?
Miss Moore should take up fancy diving? (Oh!!)
The office should follow the same requirements for a degree two weeks straight?
Huldah Morton should frizz her hair?
Anne Neblett shouldn’t go to a dance for a month?
Mr. Dorsett should eat an orange in place of the daily apple? (Bless his heart.)
Dot Harris couldn’t giggle?
Mr. Darter should forget his brief case?
Trudy had nothing to be excited over?
Stewart should relent and give him a date? (??)
Miss Hatchett lost her notes?
Mrs. Bushnell should fail us when we asked for suggestions?
Something SHOULD happen? (Yes, you said it)

Attached here are logos from Lee School, the State Teachers College in Harrisonburg, HSC, and the University of Florida with an annotation reading “JoeL”.
A lock of hair is attached here with the date and note that “Ellen Jeter gave it to me.” Underneath that is a stamp, supposedly, that says Boy [] Mama — Apr. 3, 1928.
As You Like It.
(From the Washington Herald.)
Honest, Anyhow. At puppy love, the people chaff, ‘Tis very true. I’ll own it often makes me laugh And doubtless you. Yet puppy love is always pure; And it is not the worst, I’m sure,
This puppy love is foolish quite, As people say. I do not doubt that they are right In every way. Yet puppy love thinks not of self, Nor of such sordid things as pelf.
The girl that weds a noble grand, Who doesn’t care, Some time may think of her own land With pensive air. And some time own, in candid burst, That puppy love is not the worst. (Aint it the truth?)
Attached here are newspaper clippings from some of the events in Catherine’s life, such as seeing the play “Ben Hur”. Notably, there’s a comment in the side that says (Oh! I loved it.)
Also attached is a small poem by Harriet Terry dated 1929 titled ‘Je Pense’, and a dedication to General Science Class from Woodard Parker.

Attached on this page are newspaper clippings, one being a quote divorced from the rest that says “One good idea at work is worth a thousand tossed back and forth by a half-asleep brain.”
The other clippings include a poem called The Last Lesson and reporting about the Student Pledge Night, which references the tradition of the Honor Pledge today.
Attached here is a photo of graduation ceremonies with the transcription “This page reserved for Rache[l].”

Finally, this is what is left of the back covered, as noticed by the small flap. On the inside of the back cover is the note ‘Sking vacation’ with an advertisement for Murphy’s Hotel. There is also an invitation to listen to a lecture provided by Captain Tim Heely called “Front Line Revelations by An Anzac” at Memorial Hall. It is signed J.M. Arthur and Mgr. Ents.