Project Overview

For posterity, here we will be attaching the contract that we submitted for this project in order to give an overview of the various things we did and a timeline for everything.

  • Mission Statement
    • To design a wordpress site with the intent to compare the lives of two UMW students during the late 20s and early 30s. Comparison of Mary Ayers Farmer’s 1929-1931 scrapbook and Catherine Ficklin Stephens’ 1927-1928 scrapbook with a specific focus on student life through the lens of these two individuals’ lives. Additionally, creation of a process and documentation of our process for digitization and preservation of scrapbook history.
    • Target Audience: UMW Students, Alumni, Faculty and Staff, Archival experts, Scrapbooking people, Fredericksburg residents interested in history.
    • Advertising plan: Through the SAE Newsletter, submission of project for advertisement through official University Social Media Outlets, Alumni Association outreach
  • Tools to be used
    • WordPress site to present the scrapbooks. Content areas: One for Mary, One for Catherine with subheadings for specific collections of items (Photographs, programs and other miscellaneous collections). Overall review page of the process and development of the individual sites and collections.
    • TimelineJS Addon
    • Posts about progress notes / digitization
    • UMW Website:
  • Group Roles:
    • Becca: Digitization, Transcription, Write ups
    • Jake: Digitization, Transcription, Write ups, and Timeline
    • Rickie: Write ups, Digitization, Transcription
    • Maye: Accessibility / Technical Work / Site Creation
  • Schedule:
    • Feb 9th: Out of Class Meeting to review Scrapbooks and Speak with special collections
    • Feb 13th: In class group meeting – Group Contract Design and Role Distribution.
    • Feb 16th: Out of Class Meeting
    • Feb 20th: Group Class Meeting
    • Feb 21st: Outreach to Miss Angie with Regards to Mary’s Scrapbook.
    • Feb 22nd: Make sure all members have access to the website ( Additionally, Jake meeting with Miss Angie through zoom.
    • Feb 23rd: Tentative Group Meeting. (Maye through Zoom / phone call?) (Noon) (Weekly appointments with Sarah and Angie going onwards) Establish character profile of Catherine and Mary.
    • Feb 24th: Progress Update Posts / Video. 
    • Feb 27th: Group Class Meeting
    • Feb 29th: Short Presentation in Class (3 minutes)
  • March 2nd: Progress updates (Note: This is during spring break.)
    • March 12th: Group Class Meeting
    • March 14th: Long Presentation (8 minute)
  • March 15th: Where are we at? What still needs to be done? (Group meeting) 
  • March 17th: Progress Update posts to personal sites
    • March 20th: All parts of the scrapbook on the website (Subheaders, items)
  • March 22nd: Group meeting (Work on what is not finished for the website)
  • March 24th: Update posts to personal sites (If necessary / enough to talk about)
    • March 26th: Short Presentation (3 minute)
  • March 29th: Group meeting (Review / Final Touches)
  • April 3rd: Data organization (How to access, potential dates for photographs, overall spreadsheet creation for raw data exportation)*
    • April 4th: All groups present progress reports (10 minutes)
  • April 5th: Group Meeting
  • April 7th: Overall Review / Accessibility Finished (Final touches)
  • April 9th: Group planning
  • April 11th: Due Date
  • April 23rd: Final Revisions Due
  • April 26th: Symposium Presentation
  • Accessibility:
    • WAVE Accessibility checker / Colorblind Web Page Filter
    • Review of website design / formatting 
    • Alternative text for all image uploads
    • Transcription of all text within the scrapbooks.
    • Review of usage of color and design
  • Legacy
    • Two paragraph brief summary to be embedded on the history legacy site, including a link and photograph / image of the front covers of both scrapbooks. Brief description of site and all subcategories, including timeline, story map, or categorization. In addition, a brief summary of our process for digitization and presentation.
  • Generative AI
    • Our project does not plan to use any sort of Generative AI, as we are working on physical objects / preservation of previously created work.


Catherine Ficklin Stephens Scrapbook:

The copyright is retained by Special Collections and the University Archives, Simpson Library, University of Mary Washington. This item is available for use in research, teaching, and private study. These items may not be reproduced or used for any commercial purposes without prior written consent from the University of Mary Washington.

Mary Ayers Farmer’s Scrapbook:

The copyright is retained by team member Jake Martin. This item is available for use in research, teaching, and private study. These items may not be reproduced or used for any commercial purposes without prior written consent from Jake Martin, member of the class of 2024.