Special Thanks

We would like to thank the UMW Special Collections and especially Angie Kemp. They helped us digitize, scan and gave us access to Catherine’s Scrapbook. You can visit them on the UMW Campus at the Simpson Library on the Second Floor or Online @ Special Collections @ UMW Library.

Additionally, we would like to thank the UMW Digital Knowledge Center for their help with website design. You can find them at their website, University of Mary Washington – Digital Knowledge Center.

We would also like to thank Dr. Jeff McClurken for the opportunity to work on this project. You can find him on the web @ His personal website

Another person that we would like to thank is our team member Jake Martin for allowing us to use Mary Ayers Farmer’s scrapbook and for getting the legal copyrights for the scrapbook.

We would like to thank the UMW Historic Preservation Department for shining a light on this project and sharing it with their alumni.

Finally, we would like to thank the University of Mary Washington during World War II group and the Campus Histories group for their assistance and openness about their struggles overall.